Create YouTube Video Object
For this task, each user should name the video with their respective user number as a suffix. For example, user1 should name it Knauf Partition Systems Application-u1, and so on.
Create a video element and use the following video as external resource
Add this resource by editing the according element attribute. Also add a sorting order for the video element on the website and set the necessary flag to release it on the website.
Open viaCONTENT → New → Video.
Select Video.
Select Drywall-Systeme.
For Name, enter Knauf Partition Systems Application-u1-20.
Select Attributes.
Set the Web release flag.
For the element attribute Sorting order for web, enter 10.
For the element attribute youtube ID, enter 8LaGV3V1iM.
Click Save.
Result: The video element is created.