System Introduction
EPIM (short for Enterprise Product Information Management) is a central solution for all your product information and manages the information media-neutrally. The focus of this solution is on the product information that is later published in different channels.
Both product and system information data is collected and managed in EPIM. This data can be master data, marketing data, technical data, media assets or translations.
In addition to supplying the website, mobile apps can also be filled with data from EPIM. The generation of electronic data such as CSV and XML files is also possible. This way, price lists, for example, can be generated for the print sector.
In order to work with EPIM, a number of technical requirements must be met. These requirements are the use of MDG, SAP and a media database.
Data, such as item numbers, can be transferred from SAP to EPIM. In addition, data must be edited directly in EPIM.
Besides the input interfaces, there are also various output interfaces to publish the data in the different output channels. These include, for example, Comet in the print section and CMS and web shop in the online section.
You can watch the following video to learn more about how EPIM is used in the Knauf system landscape.