Hierarchy Types at Knauf

In the Knauf system landscape, we basically differentiate between the six following hierarchy types:

  1. The Global hierarchy which includes e.g. templates and training hierarchies

  2. Country hierarchies, which contain all SalesOrgs of a country

  3. SalesOrg hierarchy

  4. Publication hierarchy of a SalesOrg

  5. Maintenance hierarchy of a SalesOrg

  6. The Knauf General Hierarchy

Hierarchy types in the hierarchy tree

The Knauf products are sorted hierarchically in the Knauf General Hierarchy and in the SalesOrg hierarchies:

  1. Product type

  2. Product family

  3. Product group

  4. Product

  5. Variant

Hierarchical sorting in the hierarchy tree

The Knauf General Hierarchy contains all hierarchies, products and variants that are needed in the different sales organisations. No data is maintained in this hierarchy, it is only a hierarchy from which the different hierarchies for the sales organisations are referenced.

Each country or each sales organisation is represented by its own SalesOrg hierarchy. Each SalesOrg hierarchy is also marked with a unique numerical country identifier. The contained products and variants are references from the General hierarchy. Only products and product variants that are also present in the Knauf General Hierarchy can be present in the respective hierarchies of the sales organisation. The structure is initially defined in a one-time import scenario and cannot be changed by the users later on.

In addition to the SalesOrg hierarchy in which the data is maintained, every sales organisation has one or more publication hierarchies. These publication hierarchies determine in which structure content is published on the website. The structure can be changed by the users. The products and product variants are referenced from the SalesOrg hierarchy to the publication hierarchy.

You can watch the following video to learn more about the hierarchy types at Knauf.