Functionality of Product Relations

Relations represent links between hierarchies, products, product variants and elements. When editing a hierarchy or editing a product, you will find all assigned images and documents below the Elements tab, for example. Below the Relations tab, you will find all hierarchies, products and product variants that have been assigned to each other and are therefore related to each other.

  • Relations of hierarchies, products and product variants to other hierarchies, products and product variants. Specifically, these are hierarchy relations and product relations.

  • Relations of elements to hierarchies, products and product variants. Specifically, these are element relations.

  • Relations between hierarchies, products, product variants and elements to publications.

Each forward direction has a reverse direction. The respective reverse direction is generated automatically.


On your website, the relations are used to create links between objects:

  • Accessory and Used as Accessory.

  • Similar product and Similar product from.

For the product DIAMANT GKFI a similar product DIAMANT GKFI 18 exists, as well as the accessory DIAMANTSCHRAUBE XTN.

Product relations displayed on the website