Edit Asset Attribute Values
For this task, each user should search for the product Diamant GKFI 12,5 that includes their respective user number. For example, user1 should search for Diamant GKFI 12,5-u1, and so on.
Use the search to find the product Diamant GKFI 12,5-u1-20.
Edit the element attributes of the assigned image 0b8d7885-2c5a-4ba8-a4d6-cd366ea2f64e-tr.
Click Select a Search Area.
Select Images.
Enter 0b8d7885-2c5a-4ba8-a4d6-cd366ea2f64e-tr in the search field.
Click Search.
Edit asset attribute values, action steps 1-4Right-click on the image 0b8d7885-2c5a-4ba8-a4d6-cd366ea2f64e-tr and select Edit.
Edit asset attribute values, action step 5Select Attributes.
Set the Web release flag.
For Sorting order for web, enter 10.
Click Save.
Edit asset attribute values, action steps 6-9
Result: The attribute values of the image have been edited.